Our initiatives

LIFT99 Ukraine is providing critical supplies to help the people in areas around Ukraine that are suffering from devastating Russian aggression.


Support the campaign and get one or more patches depending on the amount of your donation.

We collect funds for the aid and then deliver it to the soldiers.

What else?

By purchasing these patches, you're getting a product made in Ukraine. Each patch is a limited edition, making it a unique item that won't be available again.

Every design is specially created for each campaign, ensuring distinctiveness and exclusivity.

Active campaigns



3 Drones in LIFT99 Kyiv, before delivery to the army.

A Drone for Ukraine

Adopt A Drone Fund it. Name it. And we'll deliver it to the Ukrainian Army.



El Batallón Español NAFO

Estamos lanzando una nueva campaña de recaudación de fondos con el Batallón Español para un camión de evacuación NAFO 2.0 para una unidad de desminado. [ENG] We are launching a new fundraising campaign with Spanish Battalion for 1 evacuation NAFO truck 2.0 for a demining unit.


Completed projects:

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War Translated Badges

Keep Calm and Bonk on @wartranslated in NAFO fundraise for 2 Ukrainian units in Bachmut and  Marinka. 69th Sniffing Brigade and Dmitri @wartranslate are equipping 2 brigades fighting in the Donetsk region for 32 370€. To raise funds for this, we are releasing a limited collection of NAFO patches: “Save Private Raccoon” and “Keep Calm and Bonk on @wartranslated”.

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Cars Convoy #1

Ragnar Sass (the co-founder of LIFT99) along with our great Estonian community delivered 14 4x4s + vans for the Ukrainian army & Territorial Defence forces. Ragnar Sass bought the first car & posted about it on Facebook. One-by-one people decided to join this cause, some offered cars, some brought humanitarian aid, some offered financial support others offered their driving skills. Thats how the Freedom Convoy grew to 14 cars. They drove for 33 hours straight, with no sleep, with as few pitstops as possible, to get the cars to the frontlines as soon as possible. LIFT99 Ukrainian team -currently based in Lviv- organised the process of receiving the cars, getting them through customs into Ukraine & delivered them directly to the frontline!

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Cars Convoy #3

The third convoy from Tallinn arrived to Lviv on the 13th of April. 13 4x4 brought and distributed to the Armed forces, Territorial Defence, and Brigades in the hottest zones in Ukraine.


€ 8.5 M

We completed projects worth around


Vehicles we brought from Estonia to the front lines


Generators we brought into Ukraine


Pets rescued from Ukraine


Drones we helped bring into Ukraine


Portable anti-drone jammer


FPV drone



Show documents