27th NAFO convoy

Mar 2024

This time, we brought

  • 20 trucks
  • 34 drone jammers
  • 110+ drones

with a total cost of around €400,000+

The following units received supplies from this convoy:

5th Brigade, Medical unit + 15th Brigade of National Guard 1 Battalion + @14ombr, 3 Battalion, 1 Mortar Battary, Assault Drone Unit `Lituny + 79th Airborne Assault Brigade, A-Drone Company Perun Group + @ab3.army, 2 Air-Defense Battalion + @ab3.army, C2 Unit + @kraken.special.unit + 29 TD Brigade, UAV Unit + @93_brygada, 1 Motorized Infantry Battalion + SOF unit + @ab3.army, 1 Mechanized Battalion, 1 Company + 37th Marine Brigade + @5brigade_ngu, 5th of Operational Assigment + @ngu_3017, 1 Battalion + SOF ‘Historian’ + Revanche Team, GUR + SOF Drone Unit